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Last Update: 10th Jun 2024
Details for Chang-Yip Wan (current season)
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Chang-Yip has played in the following matches
Day Date Home Team Away Team Division
Hide results in this month May 2024
More details Wednesday 15th May Staines Sport 0 - 6 ? Three of Clubs Mixed 1 View ScoreCard
Score submitted by Staines Sport,
and awaiting confirmation
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Staines Sport

Three of Clubs
Player 1 D. Giles H. Chapman
Player 2 R. Dempsey L. Gordon-Walker
Player 3 A. Lovelock C. Chan
Player 4 M. Monk C. Wan
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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More details Wednesday 8th May Three of Clubs 3 - 3 ? Staines Sport Mixed 1 View ScoreCard
Score submitted by Staines Sport,
and awaiting confirmation
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Three of Clubs

Staines Sport
Player 1 N. Lewis D. Giles
Player 2 B. O'Sullivan R. Dempsey
Player 3 D. Burch S. Wai
Player 4 C. Wan R. Lei
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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Hide results in this month February 2024
More details Monday 26th Feb British Rail 5 - 1 Three of Clubs Mixed 1 View ScoreCard
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British Rail

Three of Clubs
Player 1 F. Ward H. Chapman
Player 2 O. Ward L. Gordon-Walker
Player 3 L. Woodman D. Burch
Player 4 C. Ashton C. Wan
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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Hide results in this month January 2024
More details Monday 29th Jan Three of Clubs 4 - 2 Crowthorne Mixed 1 View ScoreCard
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Three of Clubs

Player 1 H. Chapman C. Betton
Player 2 L. Gordon-Walker S. Cantwell
Player 3 D. Burch W. Wong
Player 4 C. Wan G. Duck
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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More details Wednesday 10th Jan Three of Clubs 0 - 6 British Rail Mixed 1 View ScoreCard
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Three of Clubs

British Rail
Player 1 H. Chapman F. Ward
Player 2 L. Gordon-Walker C. Ashton
Player 3 D. Burch L. Woodman
Player 4 C. Wan M. Flint
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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Statistics for Chang-Yip broken down by Team
Matches Rubbers Games Points
while playing for... W L % W L % W L % W L %
Three of Clubs Mixed 3 2 60 6 9 40 16 20 44 638 669 49

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Statistics for Chang-Yip broken down by Partner
Matches Rubbers Games Points
Partner Team W L % W L % W L % W L %
Carol Chan 3oC X 1 0 100 2 0 100 4 1 80 102 86 54
Barry O'Sullivan 3oC X 1 0 100 1 0 100 2 0 100 42 29 59
Diane Burch 3oC X 2 2 50 2 6 25 7 12 37 326 351 48
Lee Gordon-Walker 3oC X 2 2 50 1 3 25 3 7 30 168 203 45