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Last Update: 10th Jun 2024
Details for John Pierce (Season 2015 - 2016)
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John has played in the following matches
Day Date Home Team Away Team Division
Hide results in this month March 2016
More details Tuesday 15th Mar Syngenta B 1 - 5 Prospect Mens 2 View ScoreCard
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Syngenta B

Player 1 G. Duck M. Townsend
Player 2 R. Attwood J. Pierce
Player 3 S. Bailey M. Watson
Player 4 D. Cartwright I. Townsend
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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Hide results in this month February 2016
More details Tuesday 23rd Feb Prospect 2 - 4 Wellington Mens 2 View ScoreCard
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Player 1 M. Townsend D. Knott
Player 2 J. Pierce S. Parsons
Player 3 M. Watson C. McCartney
Player 4 I. Townsend J. London
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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More details Thursday 18th Feb Prospect 6 - 0 ? Syngenta B Mens 2 View ScoreCard
Score submitted by Prospect,
and awaiting confirmation
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Syngenta B
Player 1 M. Townsend P. Sweeney
Player 2 J. Pierce M. Jones
Player 3 M. Watson S. Bailey
Player 4 I. Townsend K. Parry
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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Hide results in this month January 2016
More details Thursday 21st Jan East Berks 3 - 3 Prospect Mens 2 View ScoreCard
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East Berks

Player 1 L. Soni J. Pierce
Player 2 M. Woodage M. Townsend
Player 3 C. Chew J. Banga
Player 4 R. Evans I. Townsend
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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Hide results in this month December 2015
More details Thursday 10th Dec Prospect 6 - 0 Crowthorne Mens 2 View ScoreCard
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Player 1 M. Townsend A. Hodder
Player 2 J. Pierce M. Passenger
Player 3 M. Watson C. Fowler
Player 4 J. Banga P. Ruffles
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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Hide results in this month November 2015
More details Friday 13th Nov Crowthorne 1 - 5 Prospect Mens 2 View ScoreCard
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Player 1 C. Sheffield M. Townsend
Player 2 R. King J. Pierce
Player 3 M. Passenger M. Watson
Player 4 C. Fowler I. Townsend
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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More details Thursday 5th Nov Prospect 4 - 2 Syngenta A Mens 2 View ScoreCard
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Syngenta A
Player 1 M. Townsend J. Broquet
Player 2 J. Pierce L. Mullan
Player 3 M. Watson J. Sackley
Player 4 I. Townsend T. Fraser
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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Hide results in this month October 2015
More details Thursday 22nd Oct Prospect 5 - 1 East Berks Mens 2 View ScoreCard
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East Berks
Player 1 M. Townsend M. Woodage
Player 2 J. Pierce S. Trounson
Player 3 M. Watson A. Colthart
Player 4 I. Townsend R. Evans
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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More details Tuesday 20th Oct Syngenta A 3 - 3 Prospect Mens 2 View ScoreCard
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Syngenta A

Player 1 T. Fraser M. Townsend
Player 2 L. Mullan J. Pierce
Player 3 P. Stainton M. Watson
Player 4 J. Sackley I. Townsend
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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Hide results in this month September 2015
More details Wednesday 30th Sep Wellington 1 - 5 Prospect Mens 2 View ScoreCard
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Player 1 D. Parsons M. Townsend
Player 2 S. Parsons J. Pierce
Player 3 C. Drake M. Watson
Player 4 P. Edge I. Townsend
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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Statistics for John broken down by Team
Matches Rubbers Games Points
while playing for... W L % W L % W L % W L %
Prospect Mens 9 1 90 21 9 70 50 20 71 1384 1077 56

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Statistics for John broken down by Partner
Matches Rubbers Games Points
Partner Team W L % W L % W L % W L %
Jag Banga Pro M 2 0 100 2 0 100 4 0 100 84 50 63
Michael Townsend Pro M 9 1 90 15 5 75 34 12 74 926 700 57
Ian Townsend Pro M 7 1 88 4 4 50 12 8 60 374 327 53