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Last Update: 10th Jun 2024
Details for Pat Fowkes (Season 2011 - 2012)
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Pat has played in the following matches
Day Date Home Team Away Team Division
Hide results in this month March 2012
More details Thursday 29th Mar Flying Rackets 4 - 2 Prospect Ladies 1 View ScoreCard
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Flying Rackets

Player 1 K. McIntosh P. Fowkes
Player 2 C. Dann D. Townsend
Player 3 H. Gamlin Y. Lau
Player 4 C. Farns J. Laybourne
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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Hide results in this month February 2012
More details Thursday 9th Feb Prospect 8 - 1 Syngenta Mixed 2 View ScoreCard
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Syngenta G. Call F. Call K. Gittus
Prospect    T. Fraser L. Mullan P. Sweeney
P. Fowkes
M. Laybourne  
D. Townsend
I. Townsend  
J. Laybourne
M. Watson  
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Hide results in this month January 2012
More details Thursday 19th Jan Prospect 5 - 1 Three of Clubs Ladies 1 View ScoreCard
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Three of Clubs
Player 1 P. Fowkes L. Readings
Player 2 D. Townsend Q. Tin
Player 3 H. Cole J. Lawasani
Player 4 J. Laybourne I. Jenkin
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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More details Friday 6th Jan Crowthorne 0 - 6 Prospect Ladies 1 View ScoreCard
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Player 1 M. Mott P. Fowkes
Player 2 C. Betton D. Townsend
Player 3 P. Fillenham N. Syed
Player 4 J. Lindsay J. Laybourne
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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Hide results in this month December 2011
More details Thursday 15th Dec Prospect 6 - 0 Silver Fox Ladies 1 View ScoreCard
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Silver Fox
Player 1 H. Cole M. Petch
Player 2 J. Laybourne K. Haynes
Player 3 P. Fowkes D. Wright
Player 4 D. Townsend T. Zmuda
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Home Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Home Win
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Hide results in this month November 2011
More details Thursday 17th Nov Three of Clubs 2 - 4 Prospect Ladies 1 View ScoreCard
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Three of Clubs

Player 1 L. Readings J. Laybourne
Player 2 S. Everall P. Shildrick
Player 3 S. Wheeler P. Fowkes
Player 4 J. Lawasani D. Townsend
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Home Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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Hide results in this month October 2011
More details Sunday 16th Oct Syngenta 4 - 5 Prospect Mixed 2 View ScoreCard
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Prospect P. Fowkes D. Townsend N. Syed
Syngenta    S. Gregory I. Townsend M. Laybourne
K. Gittus
P. Sweeney  
G. Coulson
T. Fraser  
J. Foundling
L. Mullan  
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Hide results in this month September 2011
More details Monday 26th Sep Silver Fox 1 - 5 Prospect Ladies 1 View ScoreCard
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Silver Fox

Player 1 M. Petch J. Laybourne
Player 2 N. Ward H. Cole
Player 3 T. Zmuda P. Fowkes
Player 4 J. Willoughby D. Townsend
Players Result
Game 1 1+2 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 2 3+4 vs 3+4 Away Win
Game 3 1+2 vs 3+4 Home Win
Game 4 3+4 vs 1+2 Away Win
Game 5 1+3 vs 1+3 Away Win
Game 6 2+4 vs 2+4 Away Win
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Statistics for Pat broken down by Team
Matches Rubbers Games Points
while playing for... W L % W L % W L % W L %
Prospect Ladies 5 1 83 12 6 67 26 13 67 753 677 53
Prospect Mixed 2 0 100 6 0 100 12 1 92 269 162 62
All Teams 5 1 83 12 6 67 26 13 67 753 677 53

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Statistics for Pat broken down by Partner
Matches Rubbers Games Points
Partner Team W L % W L % W L % W L %
Steve Gregory Pro X 1 0 100 3 0 100 6 0 100 126 64 66
Nayib Syed Pro L 1 0 100 1 0 100 2 0 100 42 36 54
Helen Cole Pro L 2 0 100 2 0 100 4 0 100 84 59 59
Mark Laybourne Pro X 1 0 100 3 0 100 6 1 86 143 98 59
Dawn Townsend Pro L 5 1 83 8 4 67 18 9 67 535 469 53
Julie Laybourne Pro L 2 0 100 1 1 50 2 2 50 77 71 52
Yeng Lau Pro L 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 15 42 26