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Last Update: 10th Jun 2024
League Clubs
[View Social Clubs]

Listed below are all of the clubs that currently play in the league.
Click on any of the maps icons to the right of each venue name to see a map of the venue area. Click on the 'info' symbol for more information about any venue.
Note: the number of courts shown is the number of pairs required at the start time.
British Rail
Match Venue: Crosfields School, Reading
Mondays at 20:10, 2 courts
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Alternative Match Venue: Arborfield Green Leisure Centre
Tuesdays at 19:30, 3 courts
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Secretary: Craig Jamieson
Match Secretary: Tom Easom
Teams entered by this club:
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Club Venue: Edgbarrow Sports Centre, Crowthorne
Fridays at 20:00, 2 courts
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Match Venue: Edgbarrow Sports Centre, Crowthorne
Fridays at 20:00, 2 courts
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Secretary: Pat Fillenham
Match Secretary: Cherry Betton
Teams entered by this club:
Registered Players: Click for details
East Berks
Match Venue: Newlands Girls School
Thursdays at 19:45, 2 courts
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Chairman: Tom Bate
Match Secretary: Julie Yarrow
Teams entered by this club:
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Flying Rackets
Club Venue: Trevelyan School, Windsor
Mondays, 4 courts
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Match Venue: Trevelyan School, Windsor
Mondays at 19:30, 3 courts
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Alternative Match Venue: Trevelyan School, Windsor
Tuesdays at 20:00, 3 courts
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Secretary: Jan Riggs
Match Secretary: Andy Pool
Teams entered by this club:
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Teams entered by this club:
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Club Venue: Bracknell Leisure Centre - 3M Hall
Wednesdays, 3 courts
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Match Venue: Bracknell Leisure Centre - Main Hall
Mondays at 20:00, 2 courts
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Match Secretary: Matt Newby
Registered Players: Click for details
Silver Fox
Match Venue: Woodford Park, Woodley
Mondays at 20:00, 2 courts
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Alternative Match Venue: Crosfields School, Reading
Tuesdays at 20:30, 2 courts
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Secretary: Fiona Simmonds
Match Secretary: Andrew Pendlebury
Teams entered by this club:
Registered Players: Click for details
Staines Sport
Match Venue: Matthew Arnold School
Wednesdays at 20:00, 2 courts
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Match Secretary: Debbie Giles
Secretary: Matt Monk
Teams entered by this club:
Registered Players: Click for details
Three of Clubs
Club Venue: The Holt School, Wokingham
Tuesdays at 20:00, 4 courts
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Match Venue: The Holt School, Wokingham
Mondays at 20:10, 2 courts
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Alternative Match Venue: The Holt School, Wokingham
Wednesdays at 20:10, 2 courts
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Secretary: James Leach
Match Secretary: Rob Pierce
Teams entered by this club:
Registered Players: Click for details
Windsor Phoenix
Club Venue: Trevelyan School, Windsor
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Match Venue: Trevelyan School, Windsor
Tuesdays at 20:00, 3 courts
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Alternative Match Venue: Trevelyan School, Windsor
Fridays at 20:00, 3 courts
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Secretary: Jean Pereira
Match Secretary: Jean Pereira
Match Secretary: Rayma Maier
Registered Players: Click for details